Monday, October 27, 2014

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Ngomongin Ibu-ibu Sosialita

Kemarin gue lagi duduk sendirian di sebuah cafe yang berada di dalam Mall Grand Indonesia sambil ngetik skenario calon film layar lebar gue sendiri, Relationshit yang bakal rilis taun depan.

Saat gue konsen nulis dialog antara Supri dan Ningsih, konsentrasi gue terpecahkan oleh suara gelak tawa ibu-ibu yang berkumpul di belakang gue. Gue sempet nengok ke belakang, mata gue langsung berkunang-kunang karena silau melihat perhiasan di sekujur tubuh ibu-ibu itu. Gue sempet mikir, tiap hari mereka memakai gelang, kalung dan cincin yang bahannya entah emas, timah atau porselen yang gue taksir seberat 20 kiloan itu. Dengan beban segitu di sekujur tubuh, harusnya badan mereka bisa lebih sangar dari Lisa Rumbewas.

Cewek legenda olahraga angkat besi Indonesia.

Gue nyoba konsen ngetik lagi, tapi lagi-lagi konsentrasi gue dipecahkan oleh kedatangan seorang ibu-ibu yang dateng membawa sebuah tas impor baru. Ibu-ibu lain heboh banget ngeliat tasnya. Terus ibu-ibu yang baru dateng itu bilang, "Eh jengg... Saya dapet tas LV ini dari diskonan di Paris loh.. Cuma 55 juta.."

Beberapa saat kemudian, ibu-ibu lain langsung teriak dengan suara ala paduan suara sekte sesat dengan ekspresi takjub, "AAAKKK!! KOK MURAH JENG?!"

"Anjir.. Tas harganya 55 juta dibilang murah. Ini ibu-ibu suka makan pake lauk nuklir kah?" Gumam gue waktu itu.

Tapi dari obrolan soal tas itu, gue malah mikir, "Tas doang harganya Rp. 55 juta? Itu tas apaan? Kalo dijambret di jalan, tasnya bisa pulang sendiri apah?"

Kehebohan mereka masih berlanjut dan bikin gue bener-bener nggak bisa konsen nulis skenario gue lagi. Gue pun cabut, pulang dengan keadaan hati yang jengkel. Sesampainya di rumah, gue googling dan nyari-nyari info, sebenernya pada ngapain ibu-ibu itu berkumpul. Dan setelah beberapa saat, gue pun nemuin istilah "Ibu-ibu Sosialita" yang cukup menggambarkan kegiatan ibu-ibu yang gue temuin sebelumnya itu.

Nah, di sini gue bakal ngeshare tentang beberapa ciri ibu-ibu sosialita sesuai hasil riset gue. Semoga bisa menambah pengetahuan kalian.

Suka Arisan
Kegiatan rutin ibu-ibu sosialita adalah arisan. Tapi arisannya bukan sembarang arisan kayak ibu-ibu PKK. Yap, iuran arisannya itu bisa sampe berjuta-juta. Tapi biasanya, iuran arisannya masih kalah gede dibanding duit yang harus mereka keluarin buat persiapan arisannya seperti: Make-up, Perhiasan, Pakaian, dan Gadis perawan buat persembahan dewa.

Seperti yang gue bilang di atas, barang-barang yang dimiliki oleh ibu-ibu sosialita itu nggak ada yang murah. Tas doang bisa ampe puluhan juta harganya. Bahkan, ada juga tas mereka yang harganya sampai ratusan juta. Gue penasaran, kayak apa sih bentuk tas yang harganya ratusan juta itu? Apa di dalam tas itu ada TV, home theater, dapur, kamar mandi dan garasi? Atau, apa tas itu tahan api, peluru dan bencana alam? Atau jangan-jangan tas itu bisa berubah jadi jet-pack dalam keadaan darurat?

Make Up W.O.W
Ibu-ibu sosialita yang gue temuin kemarin, dandanannya nggak ada yang biasa. Ada yang make sanggul tinggi banget. Gue curiga itu sanggul juga bisa dipakai buat alat penguat sinyal handphone. Selain sanggul, make-up yang nempel di wajah mereka juga nggak wajar. Yang paling mencolok adalah bulu mata. Tebal dan panjang banget. Dengan bulu mata sepanjang itu, kalo mereka ngedipin mata dengan kecepatan tinggi secara rame-rame, mungkin mereka bisa menciptakan angin topan.

Kalo udah dandan heboh dan punya aksesoris mahal, tentunya bakal mubadzir kalo nggak dipamerin kepada dunia. So, sering-sering selfie atau foto-foto sendiri dan di-share ke social media adalah kegiatan wajib.

Tapi biasanya nggak cuma wajah, barang-barang branded yang mereka beli juga mereka pamerin ke social media. Misal, upload foto lagi makan steak. Gambar steaknya cuma menghabiskan 25% dari frame foto. Sisanya? Gambar sepatu baru yang ditaroh di sebelah steak itu. Ntah mereka make tuh sepatu buat ngalusin daging steaknya atau gimana.

Kembali ke soal selfie-nya ibu-ibu sosialita. Seru sih ngeliat ibu-ibu berumur yang masih segar dan enerjik berpose menggemaskan. Tapi yang jadi masalah, sebagian dari ibu-ibu sosialita ini nggak sadar diri kalo mereka sudah terlalu tua untuk berpose dengan gaya tertentu. Misal gaya "Chibi", terakhir liat temen nyokap yang usianya udah 50an nge-upload foto gaya chibi di Facebook, gue kehilangan semangat hidup selama seminggu. Rasanya kayak abis liat berhala yang sedang puber.

Suka Nyumbang
Tapi di samping segala kebiasaan-kebiasaan 'wah' mereka, ibu-ibu sosialita itu juga terkenal dermawan. Mereka suka menyumbangkan sebagian dari harta mereka untuk orang-orang kurang mampu. Mereka juga suka melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan sosial secara rame-rame untuk mendukung orang-orang yang membutuhkan. So, mungkin di titik ini gue setuju mereka disebut ibu-ibu sosialita, karena kesadaran mereka akan kehidupan sosial ternyata tinggi juga.

So, kesimpulan yang bisa gue ambil dari ibu-ibu sosialita ini, mereka adalah sekumpulan orang yang bingung cara ngabisin duit gimana. Mungkin suaminya kalo pilek, ingusnya berbentuk duit. Nah, syukurlah mereka menghabiskan duitnya dengan cara yang positif. Yap.. Gue tetep bilang gaya hidup hedonis mereka positif selama tidak merugikan orang. Duit juga duit mereka sendiri ini. Dan hobi mereka nyumbangin sebagian harta mereka adalah hal yang sangat layak diacungin jempol. Gue sebel sama orang yang suka pamer, tapi pelit.

Yap.. Kayaknya itu aja dulu beberapa ciri ibu-ibu sosialita yang bisa gue share di sini. Semoga info ini bisa nambahin pengetahuan kalian semua. Maaf-maaf kalo ada bagian dari tulisan gue ini yang kurang berkenan di hati. Kalo lo tau ada ciri-ciri lain dari ibu-ibu sosialita yang belum gue sebutin di atas, silakan share di comment box ya!

Oiyah! Selamat hari blogger nasional! Semoga kita semakin semangat buat berbagi info dan ilmu! Ciao!
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Monday, October 20, 2014

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Tanda-tanda Bahwa Lo Perlu Liburan

Kemarin gue baru aja balik dari Bali. Itu adalah pertama kalinya gue ngerasain piknik di Bali. Sumpah. Sebenarnya, gue udah tiga kali ke Bali, tapi untuk urusan kerja. Sore datang, pagi pulang. Tenang.. Kerjaan gue bukan nemenin om-om hidung belang kok. Gue adalah gembong mafia pengedar bubuk Abate. Dengan rutinitas seperti itu, gue pun gatel banget pengin ke Bali tanpa mikirin kerjaan sama sekali.

Nah, minggu kemarin gue ngalamin beberapa hal yang bikin gue nyadar kalo gue perlu liburan. Dan akhirnya, gue bisa menikmati Sunset Jimbaran sambil makan. Di sana, gue suap-suapan sama diri sendiri.

Di sana, gue nyewa Villa yang ada kolam renangnya. Akhirnya, 4 dari 5 hari gue di Bali, gue habisin di Villa buat renang dan nonton sinetron. 1 hari sisanya, gue abisin buat tidur seharian di hotel.

Dan foto seindah ini, kemarin diedit secara brutal oleh temen-temen di twitter, jadi gini:

Dan gini:

Dan yang paling biadab, GUE DIJADIIN TUYULNYA @IMANDITA! :(

Pengalaman ini mengajarkan bahwa jangan suka upload foto aneh-aneh di internet kalo gak mau diedit jadi foto-foto yang keji. 

Tapi semua pengalaman liburan itu bener-bener bikin otak gue fresh lagi dan siap buat bertarung sama ibu kota lagi. So, di sini bakal gue share beberapa tanda orang perlu take a break dan liburan, sehingga lo yang mungkin mengalami gejala-gejala ini, bisa nyadar dan langsung mutusin buat liburan. Here they are:

1. Gak fokus
Tubuhnya lagi meeting sama klien, tapi jiwanya lagi rebahan di kasur. Ya, kira-kira hal semacam inilah yang terjadi pada orang yang sudah muak dengan rutinitas pekerjaannya. Dan kehilangan fokus, bisa berdampak buruk bagi karier orang itu. Karena tanpa bisa fokus, orang itu bisa saja mengambil keputusan yang salah. Misal,

"Jadi menurut anda, bagaimana presentasi saya tadi?" Tanya seorang klien.


"Membosankan ya?" Klien itu mulai ragu.


"Pak?! Pak?! Bagaimana? Kita batal kerjasama aja yah?" Klien mengguncang-guncang tubuh Supri.

"Eh.. Iya! Iya! Silakan." Ucap Supri yang sedari tadi melamunkan liburan di Eropa. Kliennya pun segera pergi dari kantornya. Hilang sudah kesempatan kerjasama mereka.

So, kalo mulai nggak fokus, take a break dulu lah!

2. Mudah stress
Rutinitas dan jadwal kerja yang kadang tidak mengenal waktu, bisa memicu tingkat stress yang tinggi juga. Orang yang terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan dan sering melupakan istirahat, biasanya akan menjadi tempramental. Contoh:

"Mbak udah makan?" Tanya seorang Office Boy

"Nggak laper." Jawab si karyawati ketus

"Oh. Ya udah."

"OH. Gitu doang? Lo gak bener-bener peduli sama gue?" Si karyawati kembali menjawab.

"Yah.. Tadi saya mau nawarin makan, tapi mbak bilang nggak laper." Si Office boy salah tingkah.

"Lo tuh emang nggak peka ya! Kalo orang belum makan tapi nggak laper, pasti dia punya alasan! TANYA KEK!"

"Err.. I.. Iya mbak.. Maaf.. Mbak punya masalah apa?"

"BASI!" Si karyawati melengos pergi. Si Office boy mencelupkan kepalanya sendiri ke dalam jamban.

Iya, tempramental adalah salah satu ciri orang yang stress. Selain tempramental, orang yang stress juga bisa jadi melankolis. Masak mie instant terlalu matang pun bisa membuat dia menangis.

Makanya, sebelum kena stress, take a break dulu guys!

3. Gak bisa tidur
Baru aja tidur 10 menit, tiba-tiba kebangun dan nggak bisa tidur lagi sampai pagi tiba. Insomnia adalah salah satu penyakit yang diciptakan oleh keadaan pikiran yang terlalu tegang, terlalu banyak tekanan, dan terlalu banyak pikiran. Kalo udah kena insomnia, mukanya bakal terlihat pucat, otaknya nggak fokus, dan tubuhnya bakal lesu. Mirip kayak karakter di game Plants Vs Zombie. Tentunya, orang-orang yang insomnia ini perlu banget yang namanya liburan dan hiburan. So, take a break dulu, man!

4. Tak bersemangat
Saat sudah terlalu capek dalam melakukan sesuatu, sudah sewajarnya orang itu bakal kehilangan semangatnya. Contohnya, orang yang kerja kantoran, di tanggal muda setelah gajian dan semangatnya masih membara, mungkin dia bisa mengerjakan 25 lembar itung-itungan di Microsoft Excell. Tapi di tanggal tua, di saat semangat hampir binasa, orang itu bakal ngebiarin kerjaannya menumpuk di atas meja.

Tak bersemangat karena kecapekan, nggak cuma terjadi sama dunia karier doang loh! Dalam dunia asmara juga sama aja. Saat terlalu lama menjalani hubungan yang gitu-gitu aja, atau saat terlalu capek mengikuti permintaan pacar yang banyak maunya, tentunya orang itu bakal malas-malasan untuk menjalani hubungannya. So, kalo keadaan udah kayak gitu, Take a break dulu!

Oke.. Gue nggak mungkin ngasih tau masalah, tanpa ngasih tau solusi. Kalo lo ngerasain salah satu atau semua point di atas, silakan siapkan diri buat liburan demi kewarasan pikiran.

Tapi Litt, gue mau liburan gimana? Duit aja nggak ada!

Tenang.. Gue kasih satu cara biar lo bisa liburan ke Eropa dan GRATIS!

Serius lo, Litt?!

Iya.. Caranya gampang pula! Lo tinggal beli KitKat seharga minimal 20 ribu Rupiah. Lalu registrasiin diri lo di SINI.

Abis itu, pilih destinasi atau kota mana yang mau lo tuju kalo lo bisa ke Eropa nanti. Setelah itu, pilih challenge buat nge-upload foto sesuai dengan tantangan yang lo pilih. Simpel kan?!

Oiyah.. Kalo menang, yang berangkat ke Eropa bukan cuma lo sendiri kok. Lo boleh ngajak teman, sahabat, atau sodara lo buat nemenin ke Eropa. Asik ya!

Kitkat nyediain 6 paket wisata ke Eropa buat 3 pemenang kontes ini. Dan jangan khawatir, misalpun lo minder buat menangin paket wisata ke Eropa ini, KitKat udah nyediain hadiah hiburan lain yang nggak kalah menggiurkan.

Hape Nexus 5, Camera tahan banting Go Pro, iPod Shufle ama Hape keren Swatch bakal dibagi-bagi buat lo!

Selain hadiah hiburan, lo yang berpartisipasi di kontes ini juga berkesempatan buat menangin hadiah mingguan. Yap.. Setiap 2 minggu bakal dipilih pemenang mingguan yang berhak mendapatkan Samsung Galaxy V!

Tuh.. Peluang menangnya kurang banyak apa lagi?!

Untuk info lebih lengkap mengenai kompetisi ini, silakan kunjungi LINK INI!

Dengan segala kesempatan yang udah dikasih KitKat Breakaway ini, gue yakin tingkat stress lo bakal berkurang. Dan hari-hari lo bakal kembali gemilang! Ayo gabung, dan ajak temen-temen lo buat bersaing di kompetisi ini! Kalo lo menang, bagi-bagi pulsa buat gue ya~ :D

Btw, kapan terakhir lo liburan? Liburan ke mana? Share pengalaman lo di comment box dong! Thanks for reading!
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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

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Nokia Lumia 830: Top 5 Pros and Cons

Yesteryear’s mobile king Nokia has again brought in another new member to its very popular Lumia family, the new Lumia 830. The Finnish mobile major is really indebted to this highly successful range for resurfacing in the intense international mobile war. Though Nokia has quite recently entered the Android smartphone market, it still depends on its prowess in offering superb Microsoft Windows based phones.

The new Nokia Lumia 830 aims at reducing the price gap between the mid-ranged and high-end phones. Though its price is more on the midrange, the Lumia 830 comes with a premium look and good quality camera. It is successor to the Lumia 820, but is a big upgrade when various features and form factors are concerned.

The Nokia Lumia 830 is also the first phone to come preloaded with the company’s latest Denim software update.

While the Lumia 830 is a great new phone from Nokia, it has both good and not so good factors. Check out the top 5 Pros and Cons of this new smartphone:

Pros of Nokia Lumia 830:

  • Nokia Lumia 830 runs on the latest Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1 Operating System that comes with many advantages.
  • Lumia 830 packs in a great attractive 5.0 inch IPS LCD high capacitive touchscreen display with multiple touch capability, Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection and a Clear Black display that is really remarkable.
  • It offers fast and smooth performance with its good hardware specs comprising of a Quad-core Cortex-A7 processor clocked at 1.2 GHz of speed, and the Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 chipset. The smartphone comes with 16 GB internal storage and microSD card support for memory expansion of up to 128 GB.
  • It comes with a great 10 MP primary camera at the back which is highly efficient and dependable.
  • It offers premium looks with a highly stylish and sleek body, not to mention Nokia’s patent sturdy built quality. The handset is also available in the attractive color options such as orange, green, black and white.

Cons of Nokia Lumia 830:

  • Though its screen looks great, the phone offers only average screen resolution and pixel density.
    While the smartphone’s primary camera is really great and efficient, the handset comes with real puny 0.9 MP front facing camera which would not convince or impress the modern age selfie lovers.
  • The smartphone also comes with a rather inefficient 2200 mAh battery pack which is really not enough to support the large 5.0 inch display of the handset. Thus, do not expect the battery to offer great backup, though daily average usage should be handled effortlessly.
  • The phone offers pretty good hardware specs, but its average 1GB RAM is really not impressive as most mid-ranged phones come with 2 GB RAM.
  • Though the latest Windows 8.1 Operating System is great, the Windows OS based smartphones do have their own limitations and still has some way to go in order to be able to achieve the great capabilities of the quality Android phones.
Now, let us consider the new Nokia Lumia 830 and look into its various important aspects.

Build and Design

Nokia Lumia 830 cross viewNokia Lumia 830 front viewNokia Lumia 830 side view

The Nokia Lumia 830 is a patent Nokia mobile phone which boasts of great design and sturdy quality. The handset’s design is very stylish and offer a premium feel. One of the primary highlights of the Nokia Lumia 830 is its quality metal frame and very sturdy, solid built. Though the Nokia Lumia 830 is not the first Lumia model sporting a metal frame, the model takes the charm to the next level. The phone looks and feels as tough as a tanker, but is trendy and sleek to look at.

The handset comes with a removable back panel made with polycarbonate with slight curved edges for great grip. Nokia Lumia 830 is not only a good looking smartphone that also rock solid and durable. Moreover, even with its big 5 inch screen it is quite pocket-able.


Nokia Lumia 830 packs in a good 5 inch IPS LCD display with 720x1280p screen resolution. Nokia's Clear Black technology is really cool and the deep black display is very impressive making the Windows Phone's dark theme really stunning. The Lumia 830's display is very bright and vivid with crisp images and texts. Though offering low resolution compared to even mid-range phones, it offers very good quality display with unnoticeable pixilation. The display is quite nicely visible even under strong sunlight and offers great viewing angles.


Lumia 830 runs on the Lumia Denim which is actually the latest version Windows Phone 8.1 along with Update 1, and it also includes some of the great Nokia exclusive features. Windows Phone 8.1 is simply a notch above the previous version. It has rectified all inconsistencies of the past and is now an able contender of the smartphone platform giants like Android and iOS. Though it still might not impress the heavy smartphone users, the casual users will be fully satisfied with its performance.


The Nokia Lumia 830’s primary camera at the rear is an impressive one featuring 10MP 1/ 3.4-inch sensor, f/2.2 aperture, Zeiss lens and PureView technology. Camera offers great optical image stabilization. The camera module also packs in 6-lens optics, a true 16:9 sensor and Backside-illuminated image sensor, all of which together make of superb pictures with high detailing and great clarity. Its meager 0.9 MP front facing secondary camera will not impress the selfie fanatics, but it does the job of basic selfies and video chats.


The Nokia Lumia 830 is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 quad-core processor clocked at 1.2GHz supported by 1GB RAM, which are more mid-ranged, but does pretty good job. The phone has a great 16GB memory, expandable to up to 128GB with the help of a microSD card.


The Nokia Lumia 830 with its great style, built quality, display, camera and many other plus points is definitely worth a buy, especially as it is more affordably priced at Rs. 28,799. If you are looking for a premium phone but don’t wish to burn a big hole in your pocket, then the Nokia Lumia 830 is surely a good choice.
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Friday, October 10, 2014

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Blogging Via Instagram

Blogging Via Instagram
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and they are probably correct when you look at how the popular Instagram is. You can resist it all you want but visual blogging is the new blogging. Maybe you are a bit old school and like to express your opinions through words, as it is easier for you to get your point across. That however, doesn’t mean you should cut out Instagram completely from your blogging toolbox. It doesn’t mean you have to change your blogging style altogether. It simply is just another opportunity where you can build an online presence and lead new viewers to your blog. Below are some tips to help grow your blog through Instagram.

Make Sure You’re Easy To Find

People have a tendency to be lazy. So if you make it hard to navigate back to your blog they most likely won’t ever find you. Make sure all your information, including a direct link to your blog, is easy to find in your Instagram bio.

Keep It Professional

With social media being an extension of our every day life it is easy to blur the line between work and play. If you are using Instagram to push your work remember to keep it professional and not to have too many personal pictures. Unless that is what your blog is about otherwise you might consider having two accounts to keep things organized.

Don’t Overuse Hash Tags

Many people tend to overuse hash tags because they think it will make them more visible online. That may be true but it also makes you look unprofessional, a novice and desperate. Get creative with your hash tags and come up with relevant and unique ones to describe your images. This will help with encouraging like-minded people to view your blog.

Create A Hash Tag Challenge

We’ve all witnessed a host of Facebook challenges that have gone viral on our newsfeed. Instagram has been known to have more new users sign ups then Facebook and has the potential of reaching a larger amount of people. You can use this platform to generate engagement and get viewers to your blog. An example of a hash tag experiment that gained lots of attention is the #HungerChallenge which encouraged people to post photos of them living off less then five dollars a day to promote awareness for people who often go hungry. Collaborating with people helps build your presence online as well as connect you with similar minded people. This is a great way to get attention to your blog.

Don’t Buy Instagram Likes

It’s not a secret that you can now buy like and followers on all social media platforms. However I would advise against this as it is obvious, it turns real users off and it’s a waste of money. If you work hard at building your brand you will organically build loyal followers who care about what you have to offer. Buying likes for an Instagram photo from a dodgy site does nothing for you other then increase a number. In the long run it is not helpful with gaining you real viewers.

Above are just some suggestions on how to promote your blog through Instagram. It is important that you try and experiment to see what works for your viewers, as all industries are different and require different techniques. Happy snapping!
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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

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Creating Online Business Profiles

Creating Online Business Profiles

Business profiles are all about identity but in this case, it is the digital identity since it is online. Business profiles define what potential employers are going to have as their first impression of you. Getting this information right strongly impacts the likeliness of winning a job or completing a sale as compared to someone who appears as a ‘joker’ in the eyes of the employer. Depending on your achievements, the client should view all the aspects indicating you are the right organization for the job.

You may have two business profiles so that each has achievements that are related to its own specific job-line. The other profile could have the achievements for another job-line. This helps in separating your various capabilities and not to appear as a jack-of-all-trades in the eyes of the potential employer or client.

Factors to consider when creating a business profile:

Several factors have to be considered in creating that professional look online.

  • First and foremost, your name describes you. This goes hand in hand with the job you are applying for. You should aim to provide a title that is hand in hand with the job or at a lower level.
  • Only present truthful information on your business profile. Clients are known to often take random sections of information, or claims of your achievements and countercheck them. Having wrong information or unverifiable information on your business profile may not help you in such a case.
  • You should also include a referee or two who are well aware of your achievements and your technical experience. It is good to have such referees coming from your field of operations or expertise. It defeats the purpose if you are in the construction business nad you have a referee in the medical field.
  • A client has to have a means of direct contact. It is therefore wise to add your phone number in the profile. Clients may want to talk directly to those applying for a job so as to determine who is available. Social media can also be incorporated. Not all social media sites are advisable. Limit yourself to the professional oriented sites such as LinkedIn. This helps identify how well connected you are. It also helps the client to contact you in a more private manner unlike the ‘noisy’ social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • Pages like Facebook and Twitter are not advisable to be included since they don’t reflect much on your professional life. However, customers may want to snoop around on your business life as it defines character. Facebook is one of the most common social site used and with its service of timeline, a potential employer can have a look at your postings and picture updates from as early as when you started using the social site. You may have to restrict access to content or even better. Ensure that postings that are not relevant to your business are deleted. A bad impression can be made by such postings and cost you a potential client.

Finally, you should get people to access your online business profile as it increases the chance of a potential client accessing your work. Get a digital signature and link it with your postings on social media sites for people going through your postings to have access on reading your profile.

What you see is what you get. This is one the most outstanding thing that will be reflected from your online profile. Profile pictures should be captured right in sober mood and in the right attire. Avatars should strictly be a disregarded too as they tend to reflect you’re hiding something. You can also include a few professional photos of yourself or the business premises. Have a photographer take the photos and avoid making edits to the photos.

Author Bio:
As a business advisor and marketing manager for online businesses, the author has extensive experience and writes as a freelancer on where her essays have earned her top writers’ awards severally
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